We've gotten to the point at work where I'm about as caught up as we're ever gonna be. Consequently I am now looking forward to having some Real Time to start cleaning up and re-organizing my home. I've gotten very tired of "knowing" I have something and not being able to find it. And let me tell you...after almost four years of just trying to keep up, I can't find much of anything!!
The last couple of weeks of canning/freezing have also been spent taking inventory of what's downstairs in the storage room. At this point, I can say with some conviction that we will simply NEVER run out of corn...and I'm completely out of Pumpkin Bread. (Although I made batches and batches of the stuff 3 weeks ago!) LOL
So some of the items we still need to prepare for the rest of the upcoming winter season are:
- pumpkin bread, pie, muffins, and cheesecake
- tomatoes/zucchini canned together (using up the last of the zucchini and the stray tomatoes)
- homemade ketchsup
- canned ham/broth
- canned turkey/broth
- canned Huey-Rabbit if my DH has anything to say about it! *EEK*
I also need to get some more quality online time too. I've got tons of stuff I want to get printed off and organize in my Emergency Prep Binder.