Home Care (or The Things that Make My Cleaning Life Better!)
My Favorite Implements
1. O-Cedar Dual Action Microfiber Mop
On a whim, I picked this little beauty up at our local Ace when the Hubs needed me to make up the difference on a $10 off a $50 purchase coupon. (We do a LOT of business at this little store!) I was skeptical, because honestly it looks rather flimsy. So to put it through its paces, I handed it to the Munchkin the week before our annual Memorial Day picnic (2015) and told him to nail all the spiderwebs in the house. He dusted almost everything he could reach the tops of, even stuff I didn't "ASK" him to do (teenage boy, remember), and kept asking if I had anything else. I pulled the laundry room apart the week after and decided to use the broom to "dust" the wire shelves before I pulled out the scrub bucket to make a muddy mess, which is usually what happens. (It gets awful in there, and my allergies hate me when it's Laundry Room Week.) Two minutes later, the shelves are dust-free, I don't need to wipe up mud, and my allergies are quiet.
Her name is Tilly, and she's staying.
2. Member's Mark Disinfecting Wipes Variety Pack (from Sam's Club)
Yes, I know these are not environmentally friendly. But there is a point where you can either HAVE help when you're cleaning up the kitchen or NOT. I would prefer to have my Manlings use a homemade combo, but it's simply not worth the fight when we're all tired and the counters still need a wiping. Peaceful clean wins out every time. Plus it seems like every time I go to try the homemade route lately, someone has used the last of the vinegar/peroxide/whatever for a Chemistry experiment.
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